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- Can your Business go Places with Facebook Deals?
- The Importance of Drinking Water
- Is Facebook A Threat To Google ?
- Housing starts increase in May
- Why Facebook Continues to Degrade Their Functionality – An Outsider’s View
- The scene from Vancouver’s Stanley Cup riots – YAHOO!
Can your Business go Places with Facebook Deals? Posted: 16 Jun 2011 09:15 PM PDT Can your Business go Places with Facebook Deals? After unveiling 'Places‘-its location based service in August this year, Facebook again made headlines last week by launching deals for businesses. Facebook deals are a powerful tool to promote your business by way of offering discounts and bargains to customers using Facebook places check-ins. The deals will provide users an incentive to check-in to Facebook places and will give businesses a way to drive traffic and build loyalty.
Facebook has over 200 million mobile users. Imagine the possibility behind the power of location based marketing on world’s largest social network! Users can not only share with their social network where they are, but can also avail of various discounts and offers being pushed through on their phones right when they are in the vicinity of a store offering them. Businesses can wonderfully use this unique platform provided by Facebook places and deals for marketing and promotion and use it as a great opportunity to build customer loyalty.
Integration with Facebook gave Foursquare and other location based services real value where check-in details could be shared with broader social network, so Facebook Places seems like a natural evolution of the concept.
Places + Deals –How it works?
To create a deal, business owners can search for their business in Facebook Places. If there is a Place already created, there is a process to claim ownership of it, and if there isn’t already a Place, the business owner can create a new Place for the business. They can then create a deal (you can watch this video) and promote it to their Facebook followers-those who subscribe to, or “Like”, their Facebook Place. Facebook Deals will also send notifications to the Facebook mobile app when a user is near a location offering one.
For example, if you own a coffee shop and want to attract a random passerby, all you need to do is send a discount coupon of say 25 % on coffee and pastry. If the person wants to buy he can just accept the deal on phone and show virtual coupon to your coffee shop cashier.
Merchants can choose to categorize their deals based on random passers by, repeat customers; Facebook friends and Deals can even be used as part of a charity drive.
Types of Deals
Depending on how you want to promote your business, you can create one of four different kinds of deals–Independent, Friend, Loyalty, and Charity.
Individual deals offer customers a simple discount or other incentive for checking-in on Facebook Places at your business.
The Friend deal provides incentive for friends to visit your business together and promotes more traffic. The rewards are similar to that of Individual deal, but only if enough Facebook users check-in together.
The Loyalty deal offers a reward or discount after a specified number of Facebook Places check-ins thereby driving repeat business.
With Charity deal businesses can market and promote themselves while also contributing to a good cause. Your business can pledge to donate to a given charity in exchange for users checking in at your location.
Businesses have control over when and how the deals work. You can set a starting and ending date and time during which the deal is valid. The number of claims for which the deal is valid can also be specified. You can also restrict whether the same Facebook user can claim the deal more than once.
How can businesses benefit?
Facebook Places can help fast spread awareness about your business. When a Facebook user checks in on Facebook Places or takes advantage of a Facebook Deal offered by your business, you immediately have word-of-mouth exposure to all his friends (an estimated average of 130). Imagine the snowball effect that can result if those 130 act on the deal as well and create an exponential marketing for your business.
You can, then, encourage customers to share their experience with your business, and engage them to promote the business for you by providing special rewards or discounts for customers who post photos or reviews of the business, or share Facebook and Twitter updates from the business with their friends.
Thus deals can help businesses connect with customers and become a larger part of customer conversations even at awareness level something thought of as impossible with traditional marketing.
What it means is that you can use facebook extremely well to promote your brand online. Eventually, you can use it to gather and analyze data on your customers.
Delivery is an important aspect of online marketing. Make sure whichever deal you create or however you market it; you are prepared to deliver on it before. If you are offering a discount or a gift to reward customers, make sure there are enough items on hand to accommodate the deal. It is also important to make your employees aware of Facebook Places and Facebook Deals, and make sure they understand the deal fully and know if it is active so they are prepared as well. Some of the deals already in place for launch include:
Gap – Giving blue jeans to the first 10,000 customers to claim their deal. McDonald’s – Giving per customer to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. University of California at Berkeley – Letting football fans who check in form the human tunnel through which the players run. H&M – Offering 20 percent off. Facebook Deals is in beta stage now. It is first being rolled out to 20,000 businesses in the U.S. Other businesses will be able to set up a deal from their Facebook page in the coming days. Other countries will follow next.
We hope you will find this video published by Mari Smith explaining Facebook Places for businesses useful in understanding the concept, click here to see the video. Can your Business go Places with Facebook Deals? is a post from: News and Reviews |
The Importance of Drinking Water Posted: 16 Jun 2011 07:32 PM PDT The Importance of Drinking Water Quality Drinking Water You May Purchase your eSpring water filter from here right now! We all need high quality drinking water to survive. Some people believe that as long as they drink coke or other soft drinks as well as artificial juice, milk or other liquid, that it’s the same as getting their water intake. Then we wonder why we feel ill most of the time. If people would only give their body what it needs, water! We need pure water to hydrate our bodies and flush out impurities like no other drink can. I’ve been in the desert and become very thirsty. I tried to quench my thirst with some sugary juice and all I did is become thirstier. My body was crying out for water! Has this ever happened to you? Some know that water is the best thing to drink and yet they drink contaminated water instead of quality drinking water everyday. Some examples of these are: * Chlorine With all of the pollution to our water supply our drinking water should be purified and cleaned up better than it has been. Did you know that water contains dangerous parasites like Cryptosporidium? Purified water helps: * Get rid of excess body fat so drinking water to lose weight Some of us know that we need to drink more water but we don’t want to have to go to the restroom more often, especially while at work. Actually, the more water you drink your internal organs will become hydrated so you won’t go to the bathroom as often. Think of it this way. With a lack of high quality drinking water you are dry inside. Your organs are like dried up sponges. When you want to wet a sponge it takes a lot of water to get it to become moist. At first the water runs right off of it and then eventually it absorbs the water and holds it – until you ring it out or it overflows. This is you with dry organs. So at first when you drink more water than usual your body is not absorbing the water. Keep drinking it and eventually your body will hold the water and you will go less. Try it. Regular tap water still has lots of lead and other contaminants that are not good for us. One known fact, lead in our system can damage the nervous system and reduce the intelligence capabilities in children. There are steps we can take to ensure we are getting good quality drinking water. We can buy distilled water – I suggested to a friend of mine to buy some distilled water, he replied immediately with uuggh! When I asked why the reaction – he says “that’s water you use in your iron,” so I asked, “why do we use distilled water for our iron? ” He said “because it’s better for the iron and it won’t rust out”. So I said; “so, you’d rather rust out your body and not the iron?” This should tell you something. The distilled process removes impurities from your water and if it’s good for your iron it’s definitely good for our bodies! A Simple “Sugar Flush Plan” If you have high blood sugar, your body attempts to get rid of the extra glucose by excreting it in the urine. When this occurs, drinking extra glasses of water each day may help. “The more you drink, the more you’ll urinate, and the more sugar you’ll flush out of your system,” says Luigi Meneghini, M.D., associate professor of clinical medicine and associate director of the Diabetes Research Institute at the University Of Miami School Of Medicine. But don’t reach for soda or juice; they can actually raise blood sugar. The “Sugar Flush Plan” was taken from “The Sugar Solution”, by Sari Harrar Acne If you have Acne problem, one of the main causes is dehydration. It is recommended by most experts in “holistic health cures” to drink 10 glasses of distilled or purified water daily along with doing specific internal cleanses such as a candida cleanse, colon cleanse liver cleanse, parasite cleanse and a full-body cleanse. We must continue drinking water after the cleanses are completed. Constipation There are several causes of constipation but one of the most common is dehydration. So again you need to drink at least 10 glasses of purified water per day along with eating 5 organic apples per day. You can eat one for breakfast, one for mid-morning snack, one with lunch, one before dinner and one as an evening snack. Dandruff You may thinking water helps dandruff alright – yes, people need to wash their hair! However that’s not what I’m going to say. Can you guess? You’re right. You need to drink 10 glasses of purified water per day, along with doing the cleanses as mentioned earlier in this report. Diarrhea Some causes of diarrhea are parasites in your body, candida, and taking prescription and non-prescription drugs. Now it may sound strange but again you need to drink 10 glasses of purified water because there are parasites in drinking water which may be what caused the diarrhea in the first place. Also do all of the cleanses mentioned above. High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is believed by holistic health practitioners to be caused by nutritional deficiencies and emotional stress. To avoid nutritional deficiencies you need to take calcium and magnesium supplements, natural vitamin E, Omega-3 and to drink at least 8 glasses of purified water per day. You should also do a heavy metal cleanse, candida cleanse and parasite cleanse. Inflammation and Pain Inflammation is caused by dehydration and blockage of electromagnetic impulses between cells. The cure again is to drink 10 glasses of water per day. Kidney Stones Kidney stones are caused by dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, candida and nonprescription and prescription drugs. The cure is for you to do a colon cleanse, liver cleanse and kidney/bladder cleanse, heavy metal cleanse, parasite cleanse and to drink 1 gallon of purified water combined with the juice of 5 organic lemons and 2 cups of apple cider vinegar every day for two weeks. As you can see there are lots of diseases that are caused by dehydration so we must do what we can to stay hydrated properly by drinking water, that is purified water to promote good health. So, I believe that we should either buy distilled water, purified or ionized water; or purchase a water filter to put on your faucet to remove the impurities from your drinking water. If you decide to purchase water filter this will save you tons of money compared to purchasing bottled water, especially if you purchase the right kind of water – which is water that has been truly purified. The water filter and the purified water that you buy should be certified by the National Sanitation Foundation. To sum it all up – we would all be a lot healthier if we just drink more purified water! I hope you all will take heed. You will find that you will feel better and become healthier overall. Many people are parents, and many parents are thirsty. Yet too many parents allow their infant sons and daughters to lie about idly: napping, drinking milk, and whatnot. Why not put them to work? Observe how tots enjoy the shapes and colors, all the while learning how to mix a variety of basic cocktails. Thanks, Baby! The Importance of Drinking Water is a post from: News and Reviews |
Is Facebook A Threat To Google ? Posted: 16 Jun 2011 07:15 PM PDT Is Facebook A Threat To Google ? A report in the Huffinghton Post on August 10, 2010 revealed that Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg had ordered a lockdownof the company in order to strategize and contain the aftermath of the expected launch of a rival social networking site from Google. In what seemed to be a reaction to that development Google CEO Eric Schmidt in an interview he gave to the Wall Street Journal on September 24 2010, dismissed any notions that Facebook was an immediate threat to Mountain View. Mr. Schmidt suggested that the company’s immediate threat was Microsoft Bing and that it was too early to tell how strong a competitor Facebook would be. Evidently, Eric Schmidt seems to think that Facebook is not an immediate threat to Google but there is some evidence to the contrary. A report in the widely respected technology blog Techcrunch revealed on September 1,2010 that many Google employees are leaving the company and some have gone to Facebook. Some of the most prominent employees to have left the company include Omar Hamoui, the founder of AdMob; Lars Rasmussen, who along with three others developed Google map and wave left to team up with Facebook in November 2010. The exit of some of Google’s best engineers to Facebook is a threat that may have motivated Mountain View to announce on Friday November 10 2010 a 10% pay increase for all staff while senior Executives received a 30% pay raise. These recent personnel movements suggests that Facebook is proving to be a formidable internet company that has witnessed astonishing growth. However, there have been several comparisons or suggestions as to how Facebook will become a viable alternative to Google or become more powerful than Google. Evidently, Google just like other internet properties like Myspace and Yahoo are seeking to challenge the dominance of Facebook in the social networking space. Google however has huge resources and continues to make acquisitions at a pace that is designed to dominate any segment they play in. Google especially sees Facebook as a threat because its huge user base of 500 million could well double in five years using the last five years as a yardstick. Obviously with more users Facebook becomes more powerful; takes in more revenue; generates more traffic and takes market share from Google. Technology analysts have noted that when it comes to competition Google takes on all comers. For example, Google outbid Viacom to buy Youtube for billion; Google outbid Apple to buy Admob for 0 million; Google outplayed Microsoft and tied up with Yahoo Japan; Google acquired ITA for 0 million a company that that provides travel information to visitors on the web. In addition, Google’s acquisition of Android in 2005 has positioned it as a one of the leaders in the smart phone market today. The wide adoption of Android will ensure that Google will likely continue to dominate search on the mobile space. There is no doubt that Google is seeking to become a key player in the social networking space. This is why Google launched Buzz and as Facebook threatens to unseat Google as the most visited website in the world, Google is set to launch a challenge to keep its number one position. It is clear that by developing a social networking platform based on the idea of integrating various aspects of Google social networking elements into one platform Google is pursuing what Marketing strategists regard as a master brand strategy. A master brand strategy suggests that Google is building most of its other offerings or sub brand names under the master brand name -Google. Evidently, from a Marketing perspective all Google products that are developed and carry the Google brand name benefit from the strong brand equity of the main brand and therefore would likely enjoy a positive Market off-take. Clearly, Google is seeking to enhance its social networking offerings because it seems that Facebook would soon overtake the technology giant as the most dominant site on the web. As a result, Google has renewed interest in building a formidable social networking platform designed to beat back the challenge posed by Facebook. Facebook is also aligned with Microsoft -a company seeking to dethrone Google as the search king on the web. In addition, Google could be jittery because Facebook contains a huge human database that could provide a search platform that is human driven as opposed to Google’s robot centered algorithmic search. Obviously, the growth of a human driven search platform could reduce the relevance of Google’s robot based algorithmic search. In addition, the emergence of iAd advertising and search platform being developed by Apple and the growth in the use of Apps, which Facebook has benefited from, could mean that the browser based search on which Google built its platform may loose relevance and diminish Google’s influence as the search king and biggest internet company. As Facebook’s revenue is set to reach an estimated .2 billion dollars and as the company currently controls 17%, display of advertising on the internet, which is higher that Google’s 6%. Facebook’s dominance of display advertising is a good reason for Google to be worried. Also the fact that 96% of Google’s revenue comes from search makes it very vulnerable to serious contenders trying to take away its leadership in search. On the surface however, Facebook is not really a match for Google. For example of the top ten sites in the world based on Alexa traffic rank three of them are sites owned by Google: Google, Youtube & Blogger. The top ten sites listed in order of their rank are: Google, Facebook, Youtube, Yahoo, Windows Live, Baidu, Wikipedia, Blogger, QQ.com, and Twitter. Also other global Google sites feature prominently in the top twenty. Furthermore, Google has far more internet properties than Facebook. For example, Google has Gmail, Buzz, Orkut, Google Map, Google Earth, Google Books, Web Search and More. Google has also developed applications like web browser- chrome and netbook operating system and the very successful Android Operating system. In addition, Google has a Market capitalization of about 6 billion dollars, which is six times higher than Facebook has projected market capitalization or valuation of billion dollars. Interestingly Google’s annual revenue is billion dollars while that of Facebook is approximately .2 billion.Technology analysts believe that Facebook has an uphill task in its bid to unseat Google as the number one web company by revenue but could unseat Google as the most visited site in the world.
Is Facebook A Threat To Google ? is a post from: News and Reviews |
Housing starts increase in May Posted: 16 Jun 2011 07:06 PM PDT WASHINGTON — Builders broke ground on more new homes in May, but most of the gains were in the volatile apartment sector. The Commerce Department says new-home construction rose 3.5 percent from April to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 560,000 units per year. Economists say the pace of construction is far below the 1.2 million new homes per year that must be built to sustain a healthy housing market. Many credit-strapped builders are struggling to compete with comparatively cheap foreclosures. Housing permits, a gauge of future construction, rose 8.7 percent last month, to the highest level since December. Fewer new homes mean fewer jobs. Each home built creates an average of three jobs for a year and generates about $ 90,000 in taxes, according to the National Association of Home Builders. Housing starts increase in May is a post from: News and Reviews |
Why Facebook Continues to Degrade Their Functionality – An Outsider’s View Posted: 16 Jun 2011 05:15 PM PDT Why Facebook Continues to Degrade Their Functionality – An Outsider’s View Users have been outraged by Facebook’s consistent removal of what they considered valuable features. However, Facebook claims that there are serious legal, moral, ethical and simple business-strategic reasons for these recent changes. First off Facebook is not MySpace and never has been. Many Facebook users see features on MySpace that they like for whatever reason and get appalled when Facebook steers clear of them. Not just by not implementing them, but by consciously making an effort to keep the feature from being available in any form. Lets take a quick look at the results of these business decisions and see if they are really working for Facebook. One of the best ways to determine this is by shear volume of users and visitors to these sites. Facebook has over 4 times the unique visitors that MySpace has. In fact, Facebook is the 4th largest site in the word. MySpace is not even in the top ten. MySpace is filled with spam; it’s so bad that they had to put limits on their comments, there are endless spam accounts and every other person has a profile that plays annoying music as soon as you load their page and has outrageously intrusive css formatting. While Facebook has none of this. The profiles are simple and clean. There’s very little incentive to make face accounts. They don’t have the annoying band pages. Their applications are far less intrusive. It’s simply a far better user experience. What features has Facebook removed or avoided? Facebook has actually removed quite a large amount of features. Including features in the advanced profile search. First they removed the ability to search based on gender. People would use Facebook as a make shift dating site and find potential dates through the advanced search feature as they would do in MySpace. Finally Facebook removed this feature and many Facebook users got upset, but the reason that the social networking site did this was for many reasons; moral / ethical reasons: many sexual predators would find little girls on MySpace meet up with them and molest or kill them. Facebook wanted nothing to do with this kind of activity. The business / marketing reasons was because Facebook does not want to be a site that helps people find other people online. It wants to be a place where offline friends can connect online. That’s always been its business strategy and it does not want to fluctuate from that. Again they weakened the Facebook advanced search by taking off region searching. Again for the same reason. They want offline friends connecting on Facebook. Not online meetings. Profiles have always given very little control of the formatting. The site wants to keep people from making their pages defile the Facebook image. All profiles should have the same layout with added applications and information. This keeps their users from being annoyed. In Summary Facebook has done a very good job at meeting its requirements of being a college social networking site that connects acquaintances from offline into the online world, stays away from be
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The scene from Vancouver’s Stanley Cup riots – YAHOO! Posted: 16 Jun 2011 04:54 PM PDT VANCOUVER, British Columbia – The first time I saw trouble, I was at center ice. I was standing smack dab in the middle of Rogers Arena, as the Boston Bruins were wrapping up their Stanley Cup celebration, when I ran into a photographer friend. He introduced me to a security officer, who whipped out his smartphone and showed me a picture. It was of a car enveloped in bright orange flames. This is what everyone had feared. The last time the Canucks made the Cup final, it was 1994. They lost to the New York Rangers in Game 7 at Madison Square Garden, and a riot broke out back in Vancouver. Now it was happening again – another Game 7 loss, this one at home, and another riot, this one perhaps worse. Vancouver police dealt with burning cars and looting when riots broke out following the Canucks' Game 7 loss. As I walked just outside the Vancouver dressing room, Canucks coach Alain Vigneault was walking the other way on the left, head down. On the right was a TV monitor. Usually it shows postgame interviews. Now it was showing a car aflame and people were huddled around, listening to the news updates instead of interviewing players. I know better than to judge a village by its idiots. I grew up in the Detroit area. When I was 8 years old, my parents took me to Game 5 of the 1984 World Series. In a sense, it is one of my happiest memories, one of the moments which made me fall in love with sports. The Detroit Tigers beat the San Diego Padres. They won it all, and I was there. But in truth, I don't remember much about the actual game. I remember the fans charging the field after the final out, tearing up the grass and throwing it into the air. I remember my parents putting their jackets over my head as we rushed to the car. A lot of people remember the photo of a beer-bellied guy named Bubba waving a pennant in front of an overturned, burning police car. [Photos: Shocking scenes from the Vancouver Game 7 riots] That image became part of the image of Detroit, and the riot jokes still haven't stopped, even though the city has celebrated several championships peacefully in the years since. But Bubba and the other fools that night didn't represent me or my family, and I know the troublemakers I saw Wednesday night don't represent Vancouver. I fear, though, that they have stained the city just the same. "Why are they doing this?" said Bill Gee, 70, of Vancouver, standing in front of his apartment building on Hornby Street. "You just can't believe that this could happen. I mean, why? What thrill could they possibly get?" "Have you seen anything like this before?" I asked. "Yeah, 1994," he said. "I was here in 1994. I used to be a broker then, and I came up the street about 5 in the morning, and it was just littered in glass. All the storefronts were broken." He looked around. "I think this is quite a bit worse, actually." Witnesses said the trouble started late in the third period. Tens of thousands of fans had gathered downtown, a sea of them watching the game on a giant screen on Georgia Street, just blocks from Rogers Arena. As the clock counted down on what would be a 4-0 loss for the Canucks, people threw bottles at the screen. Fights broke out. A truck was overturned and set on fire. So were two police cars. [ Video: Canucks fans set fires, vandalize after Game 7 loss] As I wrote my column in the press box, the televisions overhead showed images of the riot – one man in a Canucks sweater screaming at an officer in full riot gear, the officer batting him back with a shield. When I got back to my hotel, people were gathered outside the Irish pub across Burrard Street, watching news coverage of the riot instead of highlights from the game. Kallista Meyers, 25, and Dominic Finbow, 29, said they had seen people trying to pull small trees out of pots, throwing bottles at storefronts, pouring drinks over each other, fighting with one another, looting Sears and the Chapters bookstore. "Why would they take books?" Meyers wondered. "They're not going to read them." Meyers and Finbow went home for a moment. They watched the media coverage and thought it made the riot look worse than it actually was. They heard a loud noise. They looked outside and saw someone had pushed over a small Smart car. "There doesn't seem to be nearly enough police," Finbow said. "Considering what happened in '94, that's a joke." I walked down Robson Street. I saw firefighters hose down a burning trash can amid a restless crowd. I ran into a guy in a Ryan Kesler(notes) sweater and asked what he thought. I was shocked by what he said. "It's the Canucks' fault," he said. "They basically ruined themselves. I don't know. It's hard to say right now. I just think it's kind of sad." "It's no excuse for this," I said. "It's not. I don't know. What did they expect was going to happen? Obviously, something bad was going to happen if they lost, so basically it is what it is. What can you do about it except for just be a witness or whatever?" "What's your name?" "I'm not going to tell you my name." Yeah, of course not. This was not about a hockey game. This was about some people looking for trouble and a hockey game giving them an excuse. A few rioters wore surgical masks to guard against tear gas. They came prepared. This was premeditated. This was also about a lot of people looking at the spectacle – hanging around, taking pictures with their smartphones, tweeting and talking about it. "It's not really a good depiction of Vancouver right now," said Andy Jukic, 19, of Vancouver. "You know what I really think it is?" said Mike Booth, 20, of Vancouver. "I think we tried to one-up ourselves from '94. We tried to one-up ourselves." As Jukic and Booth spoke at about midnight, a mob moved down Hornby Street, pushed ahead by a line of riot police thumping clubs on their shields, backed by a line of police on horseback. A couple of guys knocked over some newspaper boxes. A mailbox was left standing, so someone else knocked it down. "Let's go stand 'em up," a man said. The man, who declined to give his name, stood them back up along with Gee. "If you want to see something, go walk up Granville," Gee said. "You can walk up there now. There's stores without one thing left in them. There's a luggage store there. Nothing. It's all gone. There's a swimsuit store. All gone. The streets are littered with shoes and hangers." Gee wiped a tear from his left eye. He said it was from the tear gas. Hearing booms and cracks coming from the nearest intersection, I tried to cut through the apartment building to get back to my hotel safely. But as soon as I stepped out the back door, I hit tear gas or pepper spray – not sure which, or if it even matters. It burned my eyes and throat. I shut the door, went back out the front and found another way. "Stop it, buddy!" I heard one guy yell. "Don't [expletive] throw [expletive]!" He was trying to stop someone from breaking a window. "Come on," he said more softly, trying a different tactic. "Please." When I walked in the front door of the NHL's official media hotel, they were cleaning up glass in the lobby. Someone had broken the front door. I flipped on the news in my room and heard reports that more than 100 people had been treated at a hospital for injuries including fractures and stabbings. I saw a clip of a man jumping on top of a burning BMW and escaping, throwing his hands up as if he had won something when everybody lost. I sighed and flipped my computer back on. I came here to write about a hockey game, and here I am writing about a riot late into the night, still hearing sirens outside my window. More Stanley Cup coverage on Yahoo! Sports: The scene from Vancouver's Stanley Cup riots – YAHOO! is a post from: News and Reviews Incoming search terms for the article: |
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